Economic Census 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Seribu Regency

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Economic Census 2016

Economic Census 2016

May 21, 2015 | BPS Activities

Why Economic Census to be done?

Every decision should be taken based on the information that is valid and accurate. Economic Census conducted to obtain information intact portrait of the nation's economy, as the basis for policy formulation and national and regional development planning.

Documenting all business sectors as a whole (other than agriculture) will be able to produce a complete picture of the level and structure of the non-agricultural economy, the following basic information and characteristics. They will also be known to business competitiveness in Indonesia, as well as the provision of business information needs.

How Data Collection Methods Economic Census 2016?
1. Method business listing / Company:
Enumeration conducted throughout the Homeland, covering all economic activities.
2. Characteristics of Micro Data Collection Methods
Sample enumeration performed by frame results listing SE2016
3. Data Collection Methods characteristics Menenengah Large Enterprises
Conducted a census for the entire business / companies with medium and large scale enterprises
What are businesses from the sectors that will be styled in the Economic Census 2016?
• Mining and quarrying
• Processing Industry
• Procurement of Electricity, gas, steam / hot water and cold air
• Procurement Water, waste management and recycling, pembuanagn and cleaning waste and garbage
• Construction
• wholesale and retail trade, repair and maintenance of motor cars
• Transportation and warehousing
• The provision of accommodation and provision of eating and drinking
• Information and communication
• Financial services and insurance
• Real estate
• Professional services, scientific and technical
• rental services, employment, travel agents and other business support
• Education Services
• The health services and social activities
• Culture, entertainment, and recreation
• Other services activities
• individual services serving households
• Event agencies and international organizations

What Learned From Implementing the Economic Census 2016?
• Mapping potential (level) economy by region, type and businesses
• Benchmarking GDP / GDP, employment, etc.
• Availability of a sampling frame for various economic activities of field surveys (Price Survey, Survey of Production, Distribution Survey, Survey services, Survey khusu / adhoc, etc.)
• Establishment of a database and benchmarks Updating Integrated Business Register (IBR)
• Characteristics of the business according to the scale of business
• Characteristics of business (unique): franchise, e-commerce / online business, multilevel marketing, etc.
• Mapping business competitiveness by region
• Overview of the business outlook and investment planning in Indonesia
Meaning of Logo SE2016
1. Basic Shapes Hexagon, symbolizes the Economic Census conducted every 10 years in the year to the end of the digit 6
2. Writing abbreviated SE Economic Census, shows the name of activity
3. Writing in 2016, shows the implementation of the main activities
4. Color Orange, Meaningful economic activity lively. A big celebration welcoming enthusiasm ten years in the field of economy and is expected to be felt by the entire people of Indonesia.
5. The color yellow, to attract the attention of everyone who sees and easy to remember.
6. The black color, symbolizes strength and determination to produce statistical data idang a very diverse economy, a result of the preparation with the latest methodologies and considering various inputs so that it becomes Indonesia's economic statistical data basis for planning and evaluation of government policies, employers, and society
7. The color red, depicts the spirit to produce accurate data through implementation SE2016
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