Population of DKI Jakarta Province based on 2020 Population Census was 10.56 million people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Seribu Regency

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Population of DKI Jakarta Province based on 2020 Population Census was 10.56 million people

Population of DKI Jakarta Province based on 2020 Population Census was 10.56 million peopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 22, 2021
File Size : 3.93 MB


SP2020 recorded that the population of DKI Jakarta in September 2020 was 10.56 million. Compared to the results of the previous census, the population of DKI Jakarta continues to increase. In the ten years since 2010, the population of DKI Jakarta has increased by around 954 thousand, or an average of 88 thousand people each year (Figure 2). In the last ten years (2010-2020), the population growth rate of DKI Jakarta was 0.92 percent per year (Figure 2). There is a reduction in the population growth rate of 0.49 percent per year when compared to the 2000–2010 period. Meanwhile, when compared to the 1971–1980 period, the population growth rate decreased by 3.01 percent per year. This decline in population growth rate is suspected of having a large outgoing migration from DKI Jakarta that exceeds in-migration to DKI Jakarta, resulting in negative net migration. From 2010 to 2015 the net migration in DKI Jakarta showed a magnitude of -23, meaning 23 out of 1000 residents left DKI Jakarta.
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